When defending against an opposing team with possession, here are some essential defending keys to apply on the pitch: Press the Ball As an opposing team proceeds on the attack, an increasingly higher amount of pressure should be put on the ball (topped out around your goal). This does not only mean regaining possession, however by having a defender in front of the attacker limits his options and will rush his play. In your own defensive end, ensure to always stay between the attacker and your own goal. Conversely, if you are out far enough from your own goal, you may try closing down your opponent's passing lanes. It is never recommended to face the attacker straight on. Pressure by positioning your body at an angle to lead or 'shepherd' him in a specific direction (preferably towards other teammates who can close the player off and force a turnover). Close Down Passing Lanes Defenders can limit the options of an attack by closing down passing lanes. Approach the ball carrier in a manner that blocks his (nearest) support. Normally you want to force your opponent to play the ball out to the sideline, unless you are closer to his goal. In this case, there's a better opportunity to make him pass into the middle of the field (towards the top of his own box). Marking In marking a player, you have to position yourself between him and your own goal. The closer the enemy is to the ball, the tighter you should mark him. This creates a packed defense that is hard to work through. Double-Teaming (doubling) Attackers When two defenders are collectively pressuring an attacker, the approach must be in a manner so that he cannot go around them. For instance, forcing/leading an attacker left, where your fellow defender is lurking, is optimal. The defenders should not be too far apart or the attacker may dribble in between them (or split the defense). Backup / Support While the player closest to the ball must apply pressure, it is essential to provide backup or cover for a pressuring teammate to ensure that even if he gets beaten by the attacker, he will not be able to advance his attack. The player pressuring the ball is the first defender. The second defender is the one providing cover by positioning himself behind the "first defender" and slightly drifting towards the middle. If the first defender gets beaten, he drops back and they reverse roles. Utilizing these defensive techniques properly will result in an overall solid defensive stance and undoubtedly create frustration for any opposing team's offensive attempts. |